Ever catch yourself wondering what happened to that vigor and zest for life you once had? Maybe your drive is there, yet the finish line keeps moving. It’s like your motivation and energy suddenly take an unannounced vacation, leaving you in a constant struggle to keep up. Even your supposed “rest and relaxation” falls short of rejuvenating your spirit these days.
When life feels overwhelming and draining, it is easy for things you really care about to take a backseat. Furthermore, when your favorite activities don’t seem so fun anymore you know something is off. Stress can take its toll too. Maybe you find it more difficult to respond to life’s challenges. Whatever’s going on, you know your body best. And you can sense when something’s not right.
Fatigue, low energy, and difficulty concentrating can be symptoms of hormonal issues. Sleeping too much and still feeling tired is a sign. Feeling sleepy during the day and waking up throughout the night are more signs. Other indicators of dysregulated hormones include hair loss, thinning hair, weight gain or loss, and weak muscles. If you notice a slower or faster-than-normal heartbeat this may also be a sign. Even constipation, diarrhea, or frequent bowel movements can signal hormonal imbalance.
Do you notice parts of your body receding and disappearing? Low arousal and low libido directly indicate a hormonal imbalance. Changes in the menstrual cycle and worsening of PMS symptoms will illustrate this. Insomnia, headaches, muscle twitches, and joint pain can also be signs of hormonal imbalance. Mood swings, brain fog, and forgetfulness are other symptoms. Some people are quick to blame age. Yet as time goes on, more and more people regardless of their age face these challenges. These are just some of the ways in which your body is telling you that something is off.
Such changes in energy, sexuality, and mood as well as digestion and your immune system are associated with hormones. Even just a slight change in some of your hormones can greatly influence how your body functions. These subtle changes can create ripple effects in the communication of hormones between cells and endocrine organs. Thus influencing other amounts of hormones to be higher or lower than optimal. Sometimes there is an issue with the production of a hormone. Other times there are problems with the uptake and regulation of hormones within cell receptors.
Getting to the bottom of a hormonal imbalance can be tricky. Yet there are definitely solutions. To find them patience is essential. Scouring the internet for hours without a clear answer may feel disheartening, yet it can be eye-opening. It is easy to jump to all sorts of assumptions and conclusions. Quick fixes and solutions. Learning the details of what exactly is going on in the depths of your body is going to take time, effort, and understanding. I get it and I’ve been there.
That is why getting curious is key when comes to getting to the root cause of your hormonal imbalance. It’s like putting the pieces of your unique puzzle together to find the bigger picture of what is going on inside you. Certain supplements, treatments, and protocols might jump out and they certainly can help. Yet getting to the source of your issues will be even more helpful. You might find that any number of your symptoms fall under an array of conditions. How do you know whether the culprit is your adrenals, thyroid, pituitary, or ovaries? Or any other endocrine organ or gland?
That is the million-dollar question. There is a myriad of messaging between various endocrine organs and glands. And there are a handful of these organs and glands. These include the hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenals, pineal, pancreas, ovaries, and testes. Knowing the hormone levels involved with each of these can give you insight into what may be influencing your symptoms.
This is where getting your bloodwork done can come in handy. Bloodwork can reveal your estrogen, testosterone, cortisol, and thyroid levels. Saliva tests can show your estradiol, testosterone, and progesterone levels. They can show if you have any excess hormones or deficiencies. And if you are feeling extra ambitious, getting a comprehensive hormonal panel can give you even greater insight into different factors influencing your hormones. Urinary hormone metabolite testing will reveal how your body is breaking down and using hormones. This can shed light on issues related to insomnia, adrenal functioning, estrogen dominance, and other conditions.
Some people may choose to go to their general practitioner or an endocrinologist for help. However, the solution isn’t always so straightforward. Some doctors can easily dismiss a few low or high values in your bloodwork. They might assume your overall health is fine. Or they might throw out prescriptions and supplements like candy. Others may suggest a quick fix with some hormonal injections, pellets, and creams. Is it really that simple though?
Of course, many of these solutions offer value and I’m sure that they will help you feel better. Depending on the details and or severity of your situation, you may very well need and benefit from these options. There is no shame or harm in that. Or maybe you need a jump start in your healing and supplements and hormone replacement therapy will give you that needed drive to start.
In a similar vein, nutritionists, integrative and functional medicine doctors, and Chinese medicine can provide insight into some of your hormonal imbalances. Looking at your symptoms and how they are influencing the whole of your body will help you to find supportive and sustainable solutions. This will lead to identifying systems and approaches that aid not just one organ or hormone, but nourish its entire environment and network.
Whatever your situation and however severe or not, talking with your doctor and other healthcare professionals are going to be a major source of guidance and support. It is wise to discuss all of your options with them when figuring out what options are best for you. However, if you want to do more than put a bandaid on your hormones it is likely going to take some digging, reflection, and lifestyle changes.
Diet, behaviors, lifestyle choices, as well as stress levels, can all play major roles in managing your hormones. If you are interested in delving deeper into all of your options and finding long-term sustainable solutions, begin looking at what resources you have. There are many books, podcasts, and specialists who have learned to balance their hormones and get back their energy, strength, and enthusiasm for life back. They are an inspiration for learning how to deeply nourish and support your body and spirit.
Lowering your stress levels and decreasing inflammation in the body are great first steps. Blue light blockers and avoiding screen time as the evening progresses will also help. Having a bedtime routine to help you wind down will aid you in falling asleep. Getting enough sleep every night and ensuring adequate magnesium and vitamin D intake will also support your hormones.